The impact of technology on education,our expectations in the course 

Hello to everyone👋. I hope you are all well.

Personally when I saw this topic I had my doubts that it might work. It seemed a bit difficult to me even though last year the pandemic made technology even more necessary for us. Once I opened my blog and realized somehow, I think the hours of this course will be fun. In addition to the information or knowledge we get from technology it is also a fun way for us. We also get a little visually out of the bad situation we are experiencing. But how much does technology affect our education?

Before the twentieth century, the three main teaching tools were the teacher, the text, and the blackboard. Books, papers, pencils were the basic tools to enter into communication and exchange information 

The twentieth century, brought the dominance of technology in education. The use of technology in our schools has changed significantly in recent years. Thus, to equip students with the necessary technological skills, we must use new learning methods compared to the methods used in traditional learning. 

Technology and technological tools have become part of education in schools and the aim is to use technology in the classroom as a tool that further develops and promotes the learning process. Students, from the use of these new technological tools have gained computer skills.

The role of the teacher as the main source of information in the classroom has changed in learning organizational, which leads pupils or students to seek independent information.

 The use of new technologies is one of the most dramatic changes in education. Better preparation of older teachers is needed in the use of technology. The fear of new methods brought to us by technology makes that in many cases, new experiences are seen as dubious by teachers of old people who, by their very formation through an old working ideology and methodology, but which have been quite fruitful, are quite skeptical about the introduction of technology in teaching. 

There are teachers who, based by the personal desire to bring innovation in teaching in our country, pay more attention than necessary to technology, really leading to what we call "teacher replacement" by technology, so with these actions they question the status and role of the teacher in educating the younger generations. 

In conclusion I think the use of technology should be to the point that we do not turn into robots from it. An alternation between technology and traditional methods in education I think would be the right thing to do. I hope you enjoyed my writing. 

Thank you 🙏.


  1. Hi Silvia I like that you mentioned the good sides of technology, and the comparison with other years how much technology has been used, and I think that in these years technology has helped in the realization of tasks

  2. Silvia, your writing looks very structured. I like the fact that you have described some periods regarding the use of technology. HOPE ILL SEE ANOTHER BLOGGER POST FROM YOU :)

  3. Hi, thanks for sharing your blog. I do like your work because there is an element no one else mentioned so far, the generation issue and also the idea of replacing the figure of the teacher at the very end which sounds odd but true. Your perspective was a good one...

  4. Hello Silvia, thank you for your post. I really liked how you mentioned the role of the teacher changing with time as technology develops more and more. Can't wait to read more from you!


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