Hello again everyone.πŸ‘‹  It has been a really busy week for us but I think it is very fruitful as well.  I can say that I am tired but also having fun looking for bookwidgets.  I think I did it after I created a lesson plan.

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Never before, so many teachers have been teaching from a distance. Making the switch from a traditional classroom to a digital classroom isn’t easy. It’s hard to instantly start creating digital lessons, homework, and assignments. It’s even harder to keep our students from drifting away when they have to stare at a screen for a long period of time.


With BookWidgets, I can create lots of different interactive exercises. Choose the “Planner” widget or exercise template to create a learning path.

Some different tasks, are:

BookWidgets exercises

YouTube videos

links to online exercises and resources

audio instructions

an extra list with more tasks for students to add to their learning path

Using WebQuests in our lessons is always fun! For the students, who get to go on a quest and figure things out independently, and for the teacher, who gets to create them.

A WebQuest can be as long as one to three class periods but it can be a month long project and students can work independently or collaboratively taking up roles through the inquiry process and investigate resources that the teacher preselect and includes in the WebQuest document.

A WebQuest follows a specific structure of 5 key elements :






Thank You



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