Advantages of distance learning

Hello to everyone. ๐Ÿ’š

Today is my last blog and I chose to talk about the distance education that has accompanied us throughout this year. I think we have all become very familiar with technology.

We can not deny the difficulties we have gone through but in this case I want to emphasize the benefits of distance education.

Distance learning has created a huge difference in the way teachers and students think about teaching and learning. Distance learning opens up educational opportunities, allowing pupils / students to learn in more appropriate settings and at a time when they are free.

 It enables people to extend the time of their education from a limited number of school years, thus enabling them lifelong education. Distance learning also changes the relationship between power and authority between faculty and students. There is equality and open communication between students and professors, which is not the case in traditional education, and what is very important is that students increase their opportunities to get to know different cultures and educational experiences. The strongest reasons for using modern technique and technology for distance learning are :

- The way of approaching learning and teaching is improved;

 - The quality of learning and teaching increases significantly;

 - Necessary expenses for learning and teaching are reduced;

 - Learning and teaching become very economical;

- Through satellite links, students can follow and own courses, seminars and content from various forms of learning and teaching from the field, professions and subjects which they do not have in the place where they live;

 - Through the electronic board teachers can consult with their colleagues in the same city or even in the whole country;

 - The computer network enables students from different countries to learn and jointly solve certain learning problems;

- Computer programs and modern telecommunication techniques make possible the simultaneous use of multimedia resources: sound, moving photography, text, illustration;

- Makes possible the progress of students according to the pace and individual opportunities it has;

- Enables permanent learning and teaching and permanent professional perfection.

Personally I have learned a lot during this year and I am very grateful to the teachers for the hard work they have with us. Only we and technology would not be able to interact with each other without teachers. I am happy that this year was very valuable for everyone, even though at a distance.

Thank you all for all the time spent together on the blog!

Goodbye ✋


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