Distance Education


Hello to everyone .🌸 Among the many topics I could choose, I decided to choose the "distance education" that accompanies us every day because of the situation we are in now.

I think it is already accepted, that technology is in itself a bridge to learning, more than a kind of destination, and that the main factor for the introduction of new tools in learning is the involvement of an excellent teacher.Using personal computers in schools until a few years ago seemed like a distant dream.

Concepts of distance learning

 Distance learning is a form of education, which is realized through modern communication technologies, in order to teach students located in different places and distances - outside the traditional learning environment (classroom).  Distance learning programs enable interested parties and teachers to interact with each other through computers, the Internet, artificial satellites, telephones, radios, televisions, and other technologies.  While distance learning refers to the formal or informal learning experience, distance education means in particular the formal guidance provided by a teacher, who plans, guides and ultimately evaluates the learning process.  Many countries in the world have used different forms of distance learning in their education system. 

The role of computer and internet for distance learning

 We are all witnessing the rapid development of computer networks, their unimaginable processing capabilities and extreme advances in information storage technology.  These developments have made the computer a dynamic force for distance learning, providing a new and interactive way of reducing distance and time to reach students.  Computer is an important tool that has several advantages in distance learning.

 a.  Computers can facilitate step-by-step learning.  For example, the individualization of learning is done by computer and at the same time immediate support and response is provided;

 b.  Computers are a tool for multimedia.  With the ability to integrate graphics, prints, sound and video, they can effectively connect different technologies.  Interactive compact disc technologies (CD-ROMs) can be included in computer guided tutorials, surveillance, and study environments;

 c.  Computers are interactive.  Computer systems attach various software packages (software), which are very flexible and maximize student control;

 d.  Computer technology is advancing very fast.  New products are always growing, while their price is gradually falling.  Understanding their current need and future technical requirements, educators are adapting to effectively the software with the hardware needed to fulfill their mission;

Advantages of distance learning

 Distance learning has created a huge difference in the way educators and students think about teaching and learning.  Distance learning opens up educational opportunities, allowing pupils / students to learn in more appropriate settings and at a time when they are free.  It enables people to extend the time of their education from a limited number of school years, thus enabling them lifelong education.  Distance learning also changes the relationship between power and authority between faculty and students.  There is equality and open communication between students and professors, which is not the case in traditional education, and what is very important is that students increase their opportunities to get to know different cultures and educational experiences.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you 🤗


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