
Advantages of distance learning

Hello to everyone. πŸ’š Today is my last blog and I chose to talk about the distance education that has accompanied us throughout this year. I think we have all become very familiar with technology. We can not deny the difficulties we have gone through but in this case I want to emphasize the benefits of distance education. Distance learning has created a huge difference in the way teachers and students think about teaching and learning. Distance learning opens up educational opportunities, allowing pupils / students to learn in more appropriate settings and at a time when they are free.  It enables people to extend the time of their education from a limited number of school years, thus enabling them lifelong education. Distance learning also changes the relationship between power and authority between faculty and students. There is equality and open communication between students and professors, which is not the case in traditional education, and what is very important is that students

The figure of the teacher

  Hello to everyoneπŸ’›.   Well today I chose to talk about the figure of the teacher.  In fact, to be honest, I have a lot to talk about since I have seen many teacher models so far. For a student, the figure and the teacher is so appropriate that it comes from a moment when it becomes vital. A large part of the students' time is spent in school and everything that happens there, no doubt, is deeply ingrained in their lives, in their memory. So it all starts with that person standing in front of the tires every day, by their teacher. The example that the student gives you is what you can do to imitate, to make him confident the moment you come out into life. For this reason, the figure of the teachers is only, not only at the center of the children, but also in the image we create for the ideal lessons. Part of the ideas is his behavior. Instead of building and expressing everyday, it would be more fun for the students if the teachers were not their supporters. In adolescence childr

As a future teacher someday.

Hello to everyone.❤  I was actually thinking a lot about what I was going to write this week and had no idea. And suddenly all my dreams came to my mind when I was little and one of them that I have today is to become a teacher. I can say that I have endless thoughts on this topic.πŸ’¬  "Me as a teacher in the future" It is sometimes strange how suddenly a person changes, and with it his dreams. Little ones we want to be like Mommy and Daddy; later we cling to our desires and dreams, different before them in childhood, because whatever you decide to realize, it is important to carry our effort to the end; it is enough for our parents to be proud of us, and us for ourselves, and above all to be happy for what we have achieved. I also have many desires and dreams, about which I sometimes change my mind, but it is that dream in the drawer, the only one that I will never give up, is that dream, which I believe will make me fulfilled. To work as a teacher You have to have the craft

Distance Education

  Hello to everyone .🌸 Among the many topics I could choose, I decided to choose the "distance education" that accompanies us every day because of the situation we are in now. I think it is already accepted, that technology is in itself a bridge to learning, more than a kind of destination, and that the main factor for the introduction of new tools in learning is the involvement of an excellent teacher.Using personal computers in schools until a few years ago seemed like a distant dream. Concepts of distance learning  Distance learning is a form of education, which is realized through modern communication technologies, in order to teach students located in different places and distances - outside the traditional learning environment (classroom).  Distance learning programs enable interested parties and teachers to interact with each other through computers, the Internet, artificial satellites, telephones, radios, televisions, and other technologies.  While distance learning
 Hello again everyone.πŸ‘‹  It has been a really busy week for us but I think it is very fruitful as well.  I can say that I am tired but also having fun looking for bookwidgets.  I think I did it after I created a lesson plan. You can click on this password:   PCF5WPR Never before, so many teachers have been teaching from a distance. Making the switch from a traditional classroom to a digital classroom isn’t easy. It’s hard to instantly start creating digital lessons, homework, and assignments. It’s even harder to keep our students from drifting away when they have to stare at a screen for a long period of time. BookWidgets  With BookWidgets, I can create lots of different interactive exercises. Choose the “Planner” widget or exercise template to create a learning path. Some different tasks, are: BookWidgets exercises YouTube videos links to online exercises and resources audio instructions an extra list with more tasks for students to add to their learning path Using WebQuests in our l

Cooperative Learning

 Hello everyone, this is my third and very interesting blog.πŸ˜€ Collaboration is the philosophy about how to build relationships with others, to achieve a common goal.  Working in a group means bringing about positive change.  It is an educational process that unites the interests of all group members.  Group work brings positive changes.   The five characteristics of cooperative learning are:  Use small groups of three or four students;  Focus on the tasks to be performed;  Requires group collaboration and communication;  Assigns individual responsibilities for learning;  Supports group compactness.   The reason for using this method in the learning process.  Cooperative learning takes many forms within the classroom.  Groups generally consist of three or four students, who work on a task together, so that each group member contributes to the learning process.   Cooperative learning enhances students' learning and social skills .  Increases students' enthusiasm to achieve the b

Multiple intelligences

 Hello everyone πŸ™‹, this is my second blog with one of the most interesting topics and that made me read more things I did not know about multiple intelligence. I think we are all endowed with multiple intelligences but our education can develop or limit it. We highly value only survival intelligence which is a natural phenomenon and all living things are equipped. But we, unlike all other living things, have a very wide world formation and to activate or develop this feature, natural intelligence alone is not enough.  I think for a very long time people did not know that we are endowed with the gift of multiple intelligence. Multiple intelligence gives us the opportunity for other dimensions both in imagination and in reality. Each of us has different ways of learning and different intelligences that we use in our daily lives. Everyone possesses a certain intelligence but we always have an intelligence that prevails over others. Some can learn very well in a linguistic environment, ot